
Many women find themselves in a job to pay the bills and wondering where their Career aspirations went after spending considerable time and money studying, getting qualified and then becoming an expert.

All the hard work you have done has created more hard work!

Spending your workday feeling overwhelmed and underpaid is a reality for so many Smart Women wishing they had the Confidence to just go for what they truly want.

Most ignore the warning signs that create a lack of confidence: instead of making confident career progression…

they ask their family, friends or colleagues what they think they should do…

then they start to worry that any new career ambitions bring ‘too much stress’ and they’ll have to deliver even more in their next role…

so they go back to rethinking what’s the next best career move and starting the process all over again.

A lack of Career Confidence is a HUGE energy drain that afflicts women at all levels of their career (yes, even high 6-figure earners struggle with confidence!)

Which is why I am super excited to invite you to a BRAND NEW *FREE* webinar I’m leading called

“Career Confidence Secrets for Smart Spirited Women”


  • Three common mistakes Smart Women Make in their career that dent their confidence and create a ripple effect.
  • Why it’s important to break your Glass Ceiling before it breaks you.
  • How much money a lack of Career Confidence costs you.
  • The ripple effect a lack of Career Confidence has in other areas in your life.
  • Your Soul’s reasons why you want to overcome your Career Karma to create an abundant lifestyle.
  • The six steps to having Career Confidence and how they benefit you.
  • How to take charge of your Career Confidence journey.
  • Learn the reasons why you are not alone in wanting to grow your Career Confidence.