How To Nurture Yourself – Self-Care For Lightworkers

Nurture vs Nature is a debate that seems to pitch one against the other. i.e. you can’t have both!


As the divine feminine begins to re-establish itself we understand that Nurture and Nature are allies. Mutually supporting one another’s needs. So how do you go about nurturing your nature?

How can you nurture yourself going forward and be a Lightworker?

Anyone reading this is at heart a Lightworker. You don’t have to feel particularly spiritual or holy to be one! You will know if you are a Lightworker because you want to make a positive difference to your life and the lives of others – you hold this close to your heart.

Some, want a public platform to demonstrate their gifts; having the ambition to be ‘Oprah like’ is wonderful but for the Lightworker your drive to keep making positive choices doing what you are even if you don’t have that level of recognition. Whether those around you appreciate your gifts or not won’t stop you sharing them.

The deep heartfelt desire you hold is to be authentic, truly be yourself, ground your soul gifts and inspire others to be meet their potential.

The Path Of The Lightworker is not always going to be straightforward, easy or blissful! The biggest problem I see, (and have experienced myself!) is the belief that to make a positive difference we have to put our needs to the back of the queue. Over time rather than making room for your light, this flawed way of thinking will eat into your kindness, your patience and your general loveliness. It’s not easy to create your peace when you are in pieces.

Do ‘Nice Things for you

Nice means more than just nice it defines enjoyable, pleasant, pleasurable, agreeable, delightful, satisfying, gratifying, acceptable, to one’s liking, entertaining, amusing, diverting, marvellous, good!

Who wouldn’t want more ‘nice’ in their life!

Your challenge Beautiful Soul is to think of 20 nice things you would like to do for yourself over the next 7 days! If you find yourself overthinking then stop and just go do it!

For some, this will take the courage to be honest about what it is that truly gives you joy. It could be painting that picture, writing your book or just sitting quietly and contemplating.

You have 20 things to come up with so there is some room for variety! Maybe this means a lot of physical activity or maybe it means not being busy for afternoon and just pottering around. (Pottering is much underestimated I think!)

I bet that you are already going to be filling your time doing at least 100 ‘nice’ things for other people in the next week. I’m not suggesting you stop but I am recommending you use some of YOUR time to do 20 ‘nice’ things for you.

Empower yourself and by stepping into your own Self-Care. A tiny bit of courage to be honest with yourself now and write down where you think you need to do more ‘nice’ in your life will pay off in terms of building your self-esteem and self-confidence longer term.

For my darling clients who already know who they are at Soul level then look towards your soul gifts for inspiration.

Try being nice to you for a whole week!

You can download your – pop it on your fridge, in your journal it does help to write things down!

Stay Smart, Stay Spirited And Stay In Touch and Subscribe for more inspiration and support.

Elaina x